Alternatives to Violence
A transformative learning and education program to strengthen personal relationships
Alternatives to Violence (ATV) is a 26-week program providing participants with the skills to change the behavior, beliefs, and attitudes that support their use of violence against intimate partners. The mission of YWCA Evanston/North Shore’s Alternatives to Violence Program is to support individuals seeking to stop their use of domestic violence by providing services that hold them accountable, promote safety and justice for victims and children, and bring about the social change necessary to end abuse and all forms of domestic violence.
Alternatives to Violence is open to all individuals, including those referred by the Courts and those who voluntarily enroll. People who engage in abusive behavior can and do change if they are committed and willing to devote the necessary time and energy to learn and grow. We will not end domestic violence unless we provide a coordinated community response and a comprehensive approach that addresses both the needs of survivors and the root causes of abuse. YWCA Evanston/North Shore believes that through accountability and responsibility, and learning alternatives to violence, the cycle of violence can be broken.
We accept self- and court-referrals and are approved by the Illinois Department of Human Services for the provision of court-mandated services.
The program helps participants:
• Manage anger, sadness, and other emotions
• Build empathy and listening skills
• Strengthen relationships with partners and family members
• Explore and heal from childhood experiences and past traumatic events
• Receive support from those in similar situations
• Learn calming techniques for stress relief and control
The ATV Team can coordinate with our network affiliates on the following:
• alcohol and substance use assessment and treatment
• mental health evaluations and treatment classes
• parenting classes
• anger management classes
Curriculum content addresses issues of:
• Accountability
• Power and control
• Healthy relationship dynamics
• Cycle of abuse
• Conflict resolution
• Living in a culture of violence
1.) Call 224-420-3304 and leave a message on our dedicated voicemail.
2.) Meet with group facilitator for participant evaluation
3.) Upon acceptance, attend group sessions
4.) Fees are $100 for the initial evaluation, plus $25 per class. Sliding scale available.
Classes are held in South Evanston, within walking distance of the Metra and CTA trains and buses.
For more information, call 224-420-3304.
Want to learn more? Contact:
Lynn Langton, Alternatives to Violence Manager
(815) 558-0529