Flying Fish Swim Team
The Flying Fish Swim Team was founded in 1994 and has grown to include more than 400 young people. With both competitive and non-competitive tracks, we strive to meet swimmers where they are and provide a safe, healthy, supportive and personal growth-oriented environment for all. Our loyal coaching staff is committed to the YWCA philosophy, which treats all youth as people first and swimmers second. Our head coach, Pete Caragher, has been with the program since its founding, and the majority of our coaches have been part of the program for 10 years or more. They love what they do.
For more information, please email us at
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Recent Updates
March 20 - Flying Fish News
March 18 - IL State Championship Meet Results: 10-Under, 11-14, Senior
March 6 - Flying Fish News
March 6 - Regionals Results
March 5 - Updated Spring Season Schedule
March 5 - Updated Extended Winter Season Schedule
March 5 - Sunkissed Invitational Entry
March 4 - Windy City Champs Results
March 4 - Time Trials (50s/100s) Results
March 4 - Michigan Shores Meet Results
February 20 - NTA 8-Under Meet Results
February 10 - PX3 Meet Results
February 10 - Time Trials (Distance Events) Results
February 6 - NTA “Build a Base” Meet Results
You’ll find descriptions of practice groups here.
Team Information
Visit our team store to find the gear you need on deck — suits, goggles, shorts, and bags!
What a swimmer should bring to a meet:
Team suit, goggles, deck shoes, and a Flying Fish swim cap. Bring several towels and clothes to keep you warm, like flannels or sweats. Bring diversions – books, games, cards, etc. You may also want to bring healthy snacks (fruit, bagels, crackers, granola bars) and water or sports drinks.
What a parent might bring:
A Sharpie marker with which to write, on the back of your child’s hand, their events, heats and lanes. This helps the swimmer be in the right place at the right time. Bring diversions; meets can run 3-4 hours.
Aquatic centers can be hot and humid. Dress accordingly!
If you are new to swim meets:
In the week preceding a meet, those entered will get emails with meet details, including entries. It is helpful to write (with a permanent marker) these events and event numbers on your swimmer’s forearm. If heat sheets are available ahead of time, you can include the heat and lane so the swimmer knows exactly where to go.
Swim meets (outside of the YWCA) often have “positive check-in” requirements. This means that swimmers need to check in or confirm their attendance as soon as they enter the building.
Swim teams usually sit as groups at meets. When you get to a meet, check in, change, then look for your coaches and teammates on the pool deck for warmup.
Flying Fish coaches are present at every meet in which Flying Fish swimmers are entered.
Parents are generally not allowed on the pool deck unless they are officiating or timing. If your child is swimming in a meet, please volunteer to time during a shift.
Swimmers should always speak to their coaches directly after a race. If your child comes to you immediately after a race, feel free to give them a quick (wet!) hug, then redirect them to their coach.
There are both national and state time standards. The purpose of time standards is to motivate swimmers to improve. Click on the levels below to access current time standards at each level of competition.
State Standards
State standards are used to set qualifying times for Illinois championship meets. You’ll find the complete list of IL championship meet time standards here.
Sunkissed Championship Standards
Time standards for the Sunkissed Championships in Charlotte change from year to year. For qualifying times, go to the Team Charlotte website.
USA Swimming National Time Standards
National standards are used to set qualifying times for national and international meets and for admission to the national team. These times can be found on the USA Swimming website.
Bull Pen – An area for organizing swimmers into lanes and heats before their event so that they can be led out onto deck in the right order. Bull pens are primarily used for younger swimmers and are not used at every meet.
DQ – Disqualification (swimmer’s time isn’t official). Coaches are generally aware of what a swimmer has done to cause a disqualification, and will discuss the disqualification and why it happened with the swimmer after their race. Disqualifications are made by meet officials because a swimmer has done something on the start, finish, turn, or stroke that does not fall within the guidelines for what is acceptable when competing in that stroke. We view disqualifications as opportunities to learn!
Heat Sheet – A list of swimmers competing in each event, ordered by heats. Heats usually get progressively faster (i.e., the last heat to swim each event usually has the fastest swimmers based on seed time).
Long Course Season – Generally, the summer swim season is long course, with meets held in 50-meter pools. The shortest long-course event is a 50-meter distance.
Meters Versus Yards – Pools are constructed in two measurement dimensions: meters, as in the metric system, and yards. Meters are used for all international meets and many meets during the summer season. Long course refers to meets held in 50-meter pools. 25 meters and 50 meters are longer than 25 yards and 50 yards. (SCY means “short course yards.” SCM means “short course meters” and LCM means “long course meters.”)
N.T. – NT (no time) after a swimmer’s name on heat sheets or psych sheets indicates that the swimmer does not yet have an officially recorded time in the event.
Psych Sheet – A psych sheet is a listing that tells you all the events and all swimmers in each event: the swimmer with the fastest seed time is listed first and the swimmer with the slowest seed time is listed last. While the psych sheet does tell you all the events your child will swim in, it does not tell you precisely which heat your child is in.
Seed Time – The best time a swimmer has in an event. That time is submitted by the coach when entering swimmers for a meet. It will determine where a swimmer is “seeded” in that particular race. However, because entry forms are often due weeks before a meet, a swimmer’s seed time might not necessarily be their best time any more by the time a meet takes place.
Short Course Season – Generally, the fall through spring swim season is held in short-course, indoor pools, which are 25-yard pools. Shortest event is a 25-yard distance.
The Flying Fish Swim Team at YWCA Evanston/North Shore is committed to USA Swimming’s Safe Sport Abuse Prevention program, which aims to provide a healthy and positive environment, free from abuse, for all participants.
Contact info for Safe Sport
Safe Sport club coordinator: Nancy Anderson –
For additional help with a Safe Sport concern, contact USA Swimming at 719-866-4578 or visit
You can also contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport at 833-587-7233 or find more information at
You can report anonymously by texting 888-270-7946
Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP)
See how we are committed to providing a healthy and positive environment here.
Safe Sport Best Practice Guidelines
We work to follow best practice guidelines as noted here.
YWFF Action Plan to Address Bullying
Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at the YWCA Flying Fish (YWFF) and will not be tolerated. Read about how we will address it here.
For Coaches:
At all times, adhere to USA Swimming’s rules and code of conduct.
Set a good example of respect and sportsmanship for participants and fans to follow.
Act and dress with professionalism and dignity in a manner suitable to the profession.
Respect officials and their judgment and abide by the rules of the event.
Treat opposing coaches, participants, and spectators with respect.
Instruct participants in sportsmanship and demand that they display good sportsmanship.
Coach in a positive manner and do not use derogatory comments or abusive language.
Win with humility and accept disappointments with dignity.
Treat every athlete fairly, justly, impartially, intelligently, and with sensitivity.
Always place the well-being, health, and safety of swimmers above all other considerations, including developing performance.
Continue to seek and maintain their own professional development in all areas in relation to coaching and teaching children.
Always maintain a professional separation between coach and athlete.
For Parents:
I will set the right example for our children by demonstrating sportsmanship and showing respect and common courtesy at all times to the team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents, and all facilities.
I will get involved by volunteering, observing practices, and cheering at meets.
I will refrain from coaching my child from the stands during practices or meets.
I understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward coaches, officials, volunteers, and/or any participating swimmer will not be tolerated.
I will respect the integrity of the officials.
I will direct my concerns first to my child’s coach; then, if not satisfied, to the head coach.
For Athletes:
I will respect and show courtesy to my teammates and coaches at all times.
I will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all practices and meets.
I will set a good example of behavior and work ethic for my younger teammates.
I will be respectful of my teammates’ feelings and personal space. I will not exhibit sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate behavior.
I will attend all team meetings and training sessions, unless I am excused by my coach.
I will show respect for all facilities and other property (including locker rooms) used during practices, competitions, and team activities.
I will refrain from foul language, violence, behavior deemed dishonest, offensive, or illegal.
If I disagree with an official’s call, I will talk with my coach and not approach the official directly.
I will adhere to all of USA Swimming’s rules and codes of conduct.
Let’s get started!
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Interested in the Flying Fish Swim Team?
The first step is to contact us at 847-864-8445 or