Financial Coaching
Are you interested in being paired with a financial coach to work towards greater financial stability?
We match participants with individual financial coaches and offer drop-in hours to guide them in developing goals and actions steps, and support them towards their achievements.
If you are interested in reducing expenses, paying down debt, starting to save, and are ready to invest time to create a financial plan, drop-in to our Financial Empowerment Center or call us.
As a result of your coaching sessions, you will develop positive financial habits and gain confidence about managing your money. You will empower yourself to reach your financial dreams.
To be considered eligible, you must:
Be motivated to improve your finances
Be ready to commit your time
*Please note, we do not require participants to have a source of income to participate in this program but have found that participants benefit the most from financial coaching when they have some form of income.
You will be paired with a coach who has completed the YWCA Evanston North Shore’s volunteer financial coaching training. Participants and coaches will meet according to their schedules*.
*The first session will serve to assess your individualized financial needs and can last approximately 45 mins.
Specifically, as a participant you will:
Identify a financial goal
Identify obstacles to financial goal achievement and strategies to overcome them
Practice strategies
Receive regular support and guidance from your coach
Be eligible for incentives
How will you be successful?
Have a positive attitude
Be willing to try new ideas
Be dependable
Be on-time
monthly coaching sessions for a minimum of six months
monthly financial workshops
updates on progress outside of coaching sessions
After coaching is completed, staff will follow-up with participants at three month intervals for one year to check-on progress and provide needed support. This is optional.
Interested in receiving financial coaching?
To become a participant and be matched with a financial coach, register here or contact Financial Wellness Manager, Fabiola Zdrubecky at or at (847) 864-8445 for additional information.
Interested in becoming a volunteer financial coach?
To become a volunteer financial coach, Register Here, for Volunteer Financial Coach training.