Pride Month 2024 Leaders
This Pride Month, the YWCA has gathered a collection of pride leaders for people to learn about, elevate and celebrate! Please take a moment to consider the leaders we’ve gathered to learn about on this special month.
Sue Sanders
For over forty years, British LGBT rights activist Sue Sanders has specialized in challenging oppression in the public and voluntary sectors. She created The Classroom, which has lesson plans that ‘usualise’ diverse LGBT people for all ages across the curriculum.
Pragati Singh
Pragati Singh is an Indian medical doctor and public health official and activist who identifies as grey asexual and is known for her research and work in the Indian asexual community.
Tammy Baldwin
Tammy Baldwin was the first openly gay person to be elected to both chambers of Congress and has served as the junior Senator from Wisconsin since 2013. Baldwin has been an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, access to healthcare, and student debt relief.
Angela Davis
Angela Davis is known internationally for her work to confront all forms of oppression in the U.S. and abroad. As a second wave Black Feminist, Davis has consistently worked to dismantle oppression faced by the Black community, women, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Yasmin Benoit
We celebrate women advocating for the rights of the #LGBTQIA+ community! Yasmin Benoit is an alternative fashion model, an Asexual and Aromantic activist from the United Kingdom, and creator of the #ThisIsWhatAsexualLooksLike movement!